
Regional Director And Co-Owner

Hello! My path in education started by accident! I was volunteering at my child’s school when I discovered that I loved being around children and helping them grow. That’s when my journey began. Little did I know that I would spend the next 10 years of my life in a school working with children and loving every minute of it! In 2018, my husband and I moved to the Cape to be closer to my brother. After we moved, I took some time off from teaching but missed teaching and being around the children every single day. That’s when I discovered Little Stars Learning Center and applied for a teaching position at the school in February of 2018 when the school opened! Flash forward to now and I am working towards receiving my Lead Teacher Certificate and continuing my education in Early Childhood Development!

Where I Am From: Buckfield, Maine

My Why: I really love being around children and can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. Children are so open, honest, and excited to learn new things. I feel so blessed to do what do. I want to make our school a safe place for the children as well as their parents and look forward to providing exceptional care for our families each day. I also enjoy talking to the parents at the end of the day and sharing some of the wonderful stories about their children!

Where I am Going: I am planning on furthering my education in Early Childhood Development and becoming a principal myself one day!